Alpine3D 20250205.625fd38
MPIControl Class Reference

A singleton class that deals with all aspects of parallelization within Alpine3D (MPI, OpenMP, PETSc) Any class that wishes to utilize the MPI/OpenMP/PETSc capabilities should include this header and make sure that the respective cmake compilation options (called MPI, OPENMP, PETSC) are activated. The methods are designed in a transparent way also returning meaningful values if the compilation options were not activated, e. g. bool master() will return true if MPI was not activated and if it was activated then it will return false on all processes that are not master and true solely for the master process. More...

#include <MPIControl.h>

Public Member Functions

bool openmp () const
size_t thread () const
size_t max_threads () const
bool master () const
size_t master_rank () const
size_t rank () const
size_t size () const
std::string name () const
void barrier () const
void gather (const int &send_value, std::vector< int > &receive_vector, const size_t &root=0)
void reduce_max (double &value, const bool all=true)
void reduce_min (double &value, const bool all=true)
void reduce_sum (double &value, const bool all=true)
void reduce_sum (int &value, const bool all=true)
template<class T >
void reduce_sum (T &obj, const bool all=true)
 Adds up the values of type T from all processes and, if all==true, distributes the sum back to all processes. More...
template<class T >
void broadcast (T &obj, const size_t &root=0)
 Broadcast an object via MPI or in case MPI is not activated don't do anything. More...
template<class T >
void broadcast (std::vector< T > &vec_obj, const size_t &root=0)
 Broadcast a vector of class T objects via MPI or in case MPI is not activated don't do anything. More...
template<class T >
void scatter (std::vector< T * > &vec_local, const size_t &root=0)
 Scatter the objects pointed to by vector<T*> by slices to all preocesses. Internally no MPI_Scatterv or the like is used, because the size of the strings may become extremely large. Thusly internally blocking send and receive calls are utilized. In case MPI is not activated vec_local is not changed in any way. More...
template<class T >
void send (const std::vector< T * > &vec_local, const size_t &destination, const int &tag=0)
 Send the objects pointed to by vector<T*> to process #destination. More...
template<class T >
void send (const std::vector< T > &vec_local, const size_t &destination, const int &tag=0)
 Send the objects pointed to by vector<T*> to process #destination. More...
template<class T >
void receive (std::vector< T * > &vec_local, const size_t &source, const int &tag=0)
 Receive vector of objects from process #source. More...
template<class T >
void receive (std::vector< T > &vec_local, const size_t &source, const int &tag=0)
 Receive vector of objects from process #source. More...
template<class T >
void gather (std::vector< T * > &vec_local, const size_t &root=0)
 Gathers the objects pointed to by vector<T*> from all processes into a vector<T*> on the root node. Internally no MPI_Gatherv or the like is used, because the size of the strings may become extremely large. Thusly internally blocking send and receive calls are utilized. In case MPI is not activated vec_local is not changed in any way. More...
void getArraySliceParams (const size_t &dimx, size_t &startx_sub, size_t &nx_sub) const
 Helper to split an array for domain decomposition. Given the overall size of an array calculate a start index and block length for the subarray on the basis of the current MPI rank. More...
void getArraySliceParams (const size_t &dimx, const size_t &idx_wk, size_t &startx_sub, size_t &nx_sub) const
void getArraySliceParamsOptim (const size_t &dimx, size_t &startx_sub, size_t &nx_sub, const mio::DEMObject &dem, const mio::Grid2DObject &landuse)
void getArraySliceParamsOptim (const size_t &dimx, const size_t &idx_wk, size_t &startx_sub, size_t &nx_sub, const mio::DEMObject &dem, const mio::Grid2DObject &landuse)
 Split the domain for MPI, balance the laod between MPI instances taking into account cells where no comutation are required. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static MPIControlinstance ()
template<class T >
static void deserialize (const void *in, const size_t &len, T &obj)
template<class T >
static size_t serialize (void **out, const T &obj, const bool alloc=false)
template<class T >
static void op_sum_func (void *in, void *out, int *, MPI_Datatype *datatype)
static void getArraySliceParams (const size_t &dimx, const size_t &nbworkers, const size_t &idx_wk, size_t &startx_sub, size_t &nx_sub)
 Returns the parameters for splitting an array in several, balanced sub-arrays. This is mostly usefull for parallel calculations, where an array will be split and sent to different workers. More...
static void getArraySliceParams (const size_t &dimx, const size_t &nbworkers, std::vector< size_t > &offset, std::vector< size_t > &nx)
 Returns the parameters for splitting an array in several, balanced sub-arrays. This is mostly usefull for parallel calculations, where an array will be split and sent to different workers. More...

Detailed Description

A singleton class that deals with all aspects of parallelization within Alpine3D (MPI, OpenMP, PETSc) Any class that wishes to utilize the MPI/OpenMP/PETSc capabilities should include this header and make sure that the respective cmake compilation options (called MPI, OPENMP, PETSC) are activated. The methods are designed in a transparent way also returning meaningful values if the compilation options were not activated, e. g. bool master() will return true if MPI was not activated and if it was activated then it will return false on all processes that are not master and true solely for the master process.

Thomas Egger

Member Function Documentation

◆ barrier()

void MPIControl::barrier ( ) const

This method allows to synchronize all MPI processes. It blocks the calling process until all processes have called barrier()

◆ broadcast() [1/2]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::broadcast ( std::vector< T > &  vec_obj,
const size_t &  root = 0 

Broadcast a vector of class T objects via MPI or in case MPI is not activated don't do anything.

vec_objA vector of class T objects that shall be broadcasted, or if not root the vector that will hold the pointers to the objects broadcasted
[in]rootThe process rank that will commit the broadcast value, all others receive only
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ broadcast() [2/2]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::broadcast ( T &  obj,
const size_t &  root = 0 

Broadcast an object via MPI or in case MPI is not activated don't do anything.

objthat is broadcasted from process root to all processes
[in]rootThe process rank that will commit the broadcast value, all others receive only
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ deserialize()

template<class T >
static void MPIControl::deserialize ( const void *  in,
const size_t &  len,
T &  obj 

This method is used when deserializing a class T from a void* representing a char*, instantiating an object from a string

[in]inThe void*, which is actually a char*
[in]lenThe length of the string
[out]objThe newly instantiated object
class T must support the extraction and insertion operators, >> and <<

◆ gather() [1/2]

void MPIControl::gather ( const int &  send_value,
std::vector< int > &  receive_vector,
const size_t &  root = 0 

Gathers the integer send_values from all processes into a vector of integers on the root node. Index 5 of the receive_vector represents the send_value of process #5.

[in]send_valueThe int value a process sends
[out]receive_vectorThe buffer for the root process to hold all the send_values
[in]rootThe process rank that will gather the send_values

◆ gather() [2/2]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::gather ( std::vector< T * > &  vec_local,
const size_t &  root = 0 

Gathers the objects pointed to by vector<T*> from all processes into a vector<T*> on the root node. Internally no MPI_Gatherv or the like is used, because the size of the strings may become extremely large. Thusly internally blocking send and receive calls are utilized. In case MPI is not activated vec_local is not changed in any way.

[in,out]vec_localA vector of T* pointers to objects that shall be transmitted to root; if root then this vector will also hold the pointers to the gathered objects
[in]rootThe process rank that will commit the broadcast value, all others receive only
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ getArraySliceParams() [1/4]

void MPIControl::getArraySliceParams ( const size_t &  dimx,
const size_t &  idx_wk,
size_t &  startx_sub,
size_t &  nx_sub 
) const

◆ getArraySliceParams() [2/4]

void MPIControl::getArraySliceParams ( const size_t &  dimx,
const size_t &  nbworkers,
const size_t &  idx_wk,
size_t &  startx_sub,
size_t &  nx_sub 

Returns the parameters for splitting an array in several, balanced sub-arrays. This is mostly usefull for parallel calculations, where an array will be split and sent to different workers.

[in]dimxnumber of cells in the desired dimension
[in]nbworkerstotal number of slices
[in]idx_wkcurrent slice index (starting at 0)
[out]startx_subcalculated start index for the current slice
[out]nx_subcalculated number of cells (in the desired dimension) of the current slice

◆ getArraySliceParams() [3/4]

static void MPIControl::getArraySliceParams ( const size_t &  dimx,
const size_t &  nbworkers,
std::vector< size_t > &  offset,
std::vector< size_t > &  nx 

Returns the parameters for splitting an array in several, balanced sub-arrays. This is mostly usefull for parallel calculations, where an array will be split and sent to different workers.

[in]dimxnumber of cells in the desired dimension
[in]nbworkerstotal number of slices
[out]offsetcalculated start index for all slices
[out]nxcalculated number of cells (in the desired dimension) of all slice

◆ getArraySliceParams() [4/4]

void MPIControl::getArraySliceParams ( const size_t &  dimx,
size_t &  startx_sub,
size_t &  nx_sub 
) const

Helper to split an array for domain decomposition. Given the overall size of an array calculate a start index and block length for the subarray on the basis of the current MPI rank.

[in]dimxThe overall size of the array to split up
[out]startx_subThe start of the subarray for the given processor rank
[out]nx_subThe block length of the subarray for the given processor rank

◆ getArraySliceParamsOptim() [1/2]

void MPIControl::getArraySliceParamsOptim ( const size_t &  dimx,
const size_t &  idx_wk,
size_t &  startx_sub,
size_t &  nx_sub,
const mio::DEMObject &  dem,
const mio::Grid2DObject &  landuse 

Split the domain for MPI, balance the laod between MPI instances taking into account cells where no comutation are required.

[in]dimxsize in x of the DEM (not necessary anymore, but retained to have simmilar call than getArraySliceParams)
[in]idx_wkMPI id of the current instance
[in]startx_subWhere the number of columns to compute for this instance will be stored
[in]nx_subWhere the starting point for this instance will be stored
[in]demDEM used in the model
[in]landuseLanduse grid used in the model, nodata in landuse should indicate where no computaiton is required

◆ getArraySliceParamsOptim() [2/2]

void MPIControl::getArraySliceParamsOptim ( const size_t &  dimx,
size_t &  startx_sub,
size_t &  nx_sub,
const mio::DEMObject &  dem,
const mio::Grid2DObject &  landuse 

◆ instance()

MPIControl & MPIControl::instance ( )

Returns the single instance of this class. If an instance wasn't initialized yet, it is instantiated.

a reference to the single instance
MPI_Init and PetscInitialize are called entirely with NULL arguments

◆ master()

bool MPIControl::master ( ) const

Returns whether the calling process is the master process or not

true if caller is master, false otherwise

◆ master_rank()

size_t MPIControl::master_rank ( ) const

Returns the rank of the master process

rank of the master process

◆ max_threads()

size_t MPIControl::max_threads ( ) const

Returns the total number of OpenMP threads or 1 if OpenMP has not been activated

number of threads

◆ name()

std::string MPIControl::name ( ) const

Returns the name of the processor of the calling process or "local" if MPI was not activated

string name of the processor

◆ op_sum_func()

template<class T >
static void MPIControl::op_sum_func ( void *  in,
void *  out,
int *  ,
MPI_Datatype *  datatype 

For custom objects of class T a custom sum function is required MPI_Op_create expects exactly this interface, thus it cannot be changed

[in]inThe void* representing a summand of the sum operation
[out]outThe void* representing the result of the sum operation
[in]datatypeA pointer to the custom datatype previously committed
class T must support the extraction and insertion operators, >> and << and furthermore support the operator+

◆ openmp()

bool MPIControl::openmp ( ) const

Returns whether or not OpenMP has been activated

true if _OPENMP has been defined, false otherwise

◆ rank()

size_t MPIControl::rank ( ) const

Returns the rank of the calling process or 0 if MPI was not activated

rank number of the calling process

◆ receive() [1/2]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::receive ( std::vector< T * > &  vec_local,
const size_t &  source,
const int &  tag = 0 

Receive vector of objects from process #source.

[in]vec_localA vector of T* pointers to receive the object pointers
[in]sourceThe process rank that will send the objects
[in]tagArbitrary non-negative integer assigned to uniquely identify a message
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ receive() [2/2]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::receive ( std::vector< T > &  vec_local,
const size_t &  source,
const int &  tag = 0 

Receive vector of objects from process #source.

[in]vec_localA vector of T* pointers to receive the object pointers
[in]sourceThe process rank that will send the objects
[in]tagArbitrary non-negative integer assigned to uniquely identify a message
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ reduce_max()

void MPIControl::reduce_max ( double &  value,
const bool  all = true 

Combines values from all processes and, if all==true, distributes the result back to all processes.

  • reduce_max distributes the maximum of all processes
  • reduce_min distributes the minimum of all processes
  • reduce_sum distributes the sum of all processes
    [in,out]valueThe value that is used to perform the reduction and to hold the result
    [in]allTrue (default): value will be distributed back to all processes (i.e., MPI_Allreduce). False: value will only be available at the master process (i.e., MPI_reduce).

◆ reduce_min()

void MPIControl::reduce_min ( double &  value,
const bool  all = true 

◆ reduce_sum() [1/3]

void MPIControl::reduce_sum ( double &  value,
const bool  all = true 

◆ reduce_sum() [2/3]

void MPIControl::reduce_sum ( int &  value,
const bool  all = true 

◆ reduce_sum() [3/3]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::reduce_sum ( T &  obj,
const bool  all = true 

Adds up the values of type T from all processes and, if all==true, distributes the sum back to all processes.

objThe obj that is summed and will hold the result
allTrue (default): obj will be distributed back to all processes (i.e., MPI_Allreduce). False: obj will only be available at the master process (i.e., MPI_reduce).
class T must support the extraction and insertion operators, >> and << and furthermore support the operator+

◆ scatter()

template<class T >
void MPIControl::scatter ( std::vector< T * > &  vec_local,
const size_t &  root = 0 

Scatter the objects pointed to by vector<T*> by slices to all preocesses. Internally no MPI_Scatterv or the like is used, because the size of the strings may become extremely large. Thusly internally blocking send and receive calls are utilized. In case MPI is not activated vec_local is not changed in any way.

[in,out]vec_localA vector of T* pointers to objects that shall be scattered; if root then this vector will also hold the pointers to the scattered objects
[in]rootThe process rank that will scatter the values, all others receive only
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ send() [1/2]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::send ( const std::vector< T * > &  vec_local,
const size_t &  destination,
const int &  tag = 0 

Send the objects pointed to by vector<T*> to process #destination.

[in]vec_localA vector of T* pointers to objects that shall be sent
[in]destinationThe process rank that will receive the values
[in]tagArbitrary non-negative integer assigned to uniquely identify a message
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ send() [2/2]

template<class T >
void MPIControl::send ( const std::vector< T > &  vec_local,
const size_t &  destination,
const int &  tag = 0 

Send the objects pointed to by vector<T*> to process #destination.

[in]vec_localA vector of T* pointers to objects that shall be sent
[in]destinationThe process rank that will receive the values
[in]tagArbitrary non-negative integer assigned to uniquely identify a message
Class T needs to have the serialize and deseralize operator << and >> implemented

◆ serialize()

template<class T >
static size_t MPIControl::serialize ( void **  out,
const T &  obj,
const bool  alloc = false 

This method is used when serializing a class T, turning an object into a string

[out]outThe void**, which is actually a char**
[in]objThe object to serialize
[in]allocallocate memory?
The length of the string
class T must support the extraction and insertion operators, >> and <<

◆ size()

size_t MPIControl::size ( ) const

Returns the size of the world in usage, 1 if MPI was not activated

the size of the MPI world

◆ thread()

size_t MPIControl::thread ( ) const

Returns the current OpenMP thread number or 0 if OpenMP has not been activated

current thread number

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: